About ME

Alexus is a freelance AEA Stage Manager currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree in Stage Management at the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale. Normally a three-year program, Alexus‘s education at the Geffen School was extended to allow for three full years of live production opportunities after returning from an entirely online academic year in 2020–2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She will officially receive her MFA on May 20th, 2024—adding to a previously attained Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Yale College.

The foundation of her practice is aimed toward ethical and care-based artistry; as a Black and Latina stage manager, Alexus is most interested in supporting and being in community with other BIPOC theatremakers. Her heart feels most full in spaces that are open to and supporting of an anti-racist, values-rooted process.

In her free time, Alexus can be found in the gym or reading a book—sometimes at the same time, because hot girl walks on the treadmill are best enjoyed with a fantasy novel in hand. She also loves to travel, eagerly awaiting the next adventure.

They say to serve is to love. I think to serve is to heal, too.”

—Viola Davis